Wednesday, November 23, 2011

With Thanksgiving approaching...

Daniel and Achillies

Its time to look back
over one's year
or life
reflect on 
what is important
and then
with gratitude
consider the burden
of the overwhelming bounty
we take for granted every day
let the list begin


  1. A perfect description of how I feel right now - very reflective, looking back, feeling grateful, thinking about what to change for the coming year and how to simplify. Love that photo!

  2. This is a wonderful photograph Julia!

  3. Barbara and LIsa,
    Thank you so much for posting on my blog. It is a lonely business when I see the big "0" in the comments area.
    Seeing your comments brought a smile to my face and and a sense of connection...for which I am grateful.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you both.

  4. This is a beautiful list - it shows you have a wonderful sense of balance and spirit of appreciation. Congrats on the 18 years of being cancer free!! And good point about the big toes - I'll take better care of mine! Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Oops - that last comment was supposed to be on your post from today! lol
